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Make your space your biggest ally!

The space we live in is an external reflection of ourselves. Just as we have the power to change our space, so it has the power to change us. That is why it is extremely important to be aware of the energy of our own space and create it in a way that it helps us create the life we ​​want.
Feng shui is a great additional help in achieving your desires and goals, and the power and accuracy of it’s principles keeps delighting and surprising those who apply them.

Sanja Plavljanić-Širola is a graduate engineer of architecture by profession, as a certified architect she had ran her own architectural office and was engaged in design for 20 years – from interiors and family houses to office buildings and hotels.
In 2012, she graduated from a 5-year long feng shui academy (Biovision – a total of 700 teaching hours). Today, she engages with architecture primarily as a feng shui consultant.


If you are interested in basic feng shui (and architectural) advice, we can meet via Skype or Zoom for a one-hour (or multi-hour) consultation.
However, it is important that in advance you send me a floor plan of your living or business space drawn to scale and a precise north mark (or a print of an aerial view from Google Maps).

You can also seek advice about your logo, business card and general visual identity of the company.

PRICING:  60 Eur/hour
Contact: sretandan@inet.hr


You can also order a complete feng shui analysis for your space.
We need to have the floor plan(s), pgotographs of the interior, dates of birth and the year of building or reconstruction.
The price of the analysis depends on the size of your home.

Contact: sretandan@inet.hr